Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

the most favorite

Things I like adala an English football club based in london is arsenal football club.Arsenal Football Club (also known as Arsenal or The Gunners) is an English professional club based in North daerahLondon, London. The club currently plays in the Premier League. One of the most successful clubs in English football, it has won 13 First Division and three Premier League titles and 10 FA Cups. Arsenal holds the record for the longest period over English Premier League standings and placed first in the league aggregate of the entire 20th century. This is the second side to finish the season unbeaten (in the 2003-04 season) and the only one to do so in 38 games.
"Why love with Arsenal?"Yep, the question was always present my ears every day and the seasons when the ball game. Especially if the season the big leagues in Europe is ongoing. Because most of my friends is a fanatical supporter of the club throughout the league with Arsenal among others, Manchester United and Chelsea. In which both teams have a lot of supporters and a myriad of achievements they have won the title. But I answer questions from my friends with a casual answer.
"I like the way they play, and how they work hard in every match them."That's about my answer every response to a question from my friend. You could say a lot of them seemed to discredit me as a supporter of Arsenal, especially when my team lost last night. But for me it was just a wind alone will fade as time goes by waktu.Pertama I know my favorite club when 6th grade about 2005. At that time I was not too familiar with football, and only choose one football club as a team favorite when telling stories with my friends.But over time, from year-to-year first team on a whim I enjoy doing, gradually became my favorite team. I am very please me because of the way Arsenal play their total all out, and they fought until the final round of matches. It has inspired me in this life that always total and fought hard, and the result is a gift keras.Selain work it seems to me indeed, a matter of prestige of Arsenal's problem in my opinion is not inferior to other clubs Seliga, but for business performance and appearance of each -tiap arguably inconsistent game. That is what sometimes makes Arsenal less able to achieve the best performance in the league standings and Champions League.It is undeniable that some European football clubs have a tremendous amount of fans both in the country and penetrated the league that lasts up to other continents. Similarly, Arsenal Yag also has many fans in this tericinta country. My hope for Arsenal, still struggling to achieve dreams with hard work and the support of the fans will always accompany anytime any where-is.

                                                        Image result for arsenal

Senin, 27 April 2015

How to Make Pizza

Ingredients for bread pizza:

250 grams of quality protein wheat.
200 ml of warm milk.
1 egg.
4 grams of yeast.
3 tablespoons butter.
3 tablespoons cooking oil.
Materials for the content and the sauce:

2 finely chopped onion.
2 pieces of sausage (taste veal / chicken) cut into thin strips according to taste.
1-2 tomatoes cut into thin strips
Minced meat to taste (can be replaced corned beef).
1 Parika dispose of the contents of chopped fruit boxes (can be replaced with sweet corn or other vegetables).
2 pieces of garlic cloves.
1 egg.
Finely chopped chives.
Cheese to taste.
Tomato sauce and chili to taste.
How To Make:

The first step is a simple pizza recipe by mixing flour and fermipan and mix well, then add the add the butter and stir again until blended, then add the oil and then stir again.
Put the eggs and milk and stir until mixture is smooth. If the dough is still hard to add back the butter or milk.
Kemuidan let stand the dough for about 15 minutes. Cover the dough with a cloth napkin.
While waiting for the dough is ready for use then you should start sauteing garlic, onions, sausage, tomato, egg, paprika / sweet corn, stir-fry until the contents of the material seemed ripe. When looks begin to cook, inputs scallions, wait a while and then lift.
After 15 minutes, take the bread dough, diremat-Remat once more and then enter into teflon, flatten the dough evenly in Teflon then prick with a fork so that the dough can be expanded later. see picture below
Then give the tomato sauce on the dough until smooth. After wrapping materials insert contents and cover again with ketchup.
After that give grated cheese grated on top can also add a little.
Teflon lid tightly, and cook the pizza dough had a low heat about 15 minutes.
Serve with chili sauce and serve while warm.


Understanding grammar must be understood prior to the start you want to deepen their knowledge of English grammar properly. There are several versions of the grammar good sense of the dictionary in the country as well as a dictionary or literature that comes from abroad.
Understanding grammar according to wikipedia is "grammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term Also Refers to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, Often complemented by Phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. Linguists do not normally use the term to refer to orthographical rules, usage Although books and style guides that call Themselves grammars Also may refer to spelling and punctuation. "
Translationnya "Grammar is a set of rules governing structural composition clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. This term refers also to the study of these rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often equipped with phonetic, semantic, and pragmatic. Linguists do not usually use the term to refer to orthographic rules, although the use of books and style guides that call themselves grammar can also refer to the spelling and punctuation "
"The definition of Grammar" John Echols dictionary versions: Grammar: (kb) 1. Grammar, 2. grammar book. While understanding the grammar according to the learner's pocket Oxford dictionary is: book that describes the rules for forming words and making sentences.

1. Letter / Alphabet = is letters or alphabets such as A, B, C, D, E, F, G and-others
2. Words = is a collection of letter / alphabet that form / meaning, for example: eat, drink, etc.
3. Phrase = a collection of words, and already has a meaning, but not perfect because it has no subject.
Phrase in the English language is divided into 4 sections:
1. Noun phrase = array Noun + noun example: Book Store or Adjective + Noun = Example: Beautiful Girl
2. Adjective Phrase = array adverb + adjective example: so happy, very cool
3. Adverb Phrase = array adverb + adverb example: so well, so fast, very fast, etc.
4. Verb phrase = sususan auxilary (tobe) + ordinary (original kt.kerja) = sample is studying, will follow, etc.
4. Sentences: an arrangement of words, which have a meaning and it is perfect because it has the subject.
example: I study English (I am learning English)

Grammar formula

If not, let us review the formulas that have been temen2 learned grammar. Let me add steady grammarnya science neh ... :)
1. Formula Capital: S + Capital + V1 + O
example: I will go to school (I'll go to school)
2. Formula Sentence command: V1 + Object / adverb,
example: Open the window! (Open window!)
3. Simple present formula: S + V1 + O
For example: We always play football everyday (We always play ball every day)
4. Formula Passive Voice: S + to be (is, am, are) + V3:
Example: The Ball is bought by me (the ball was bought by me)
5. Formula Causative Verbs: S + make / have + V1 + O,
example: They have me study hard (They told me to study hard)
6. Formula Conditional Sentence Type 1: if + simple present, simple future,
example if i have much money, I will go to Bali Island.
7. Formula Conditional Sentence Type 2: if + simple past, past futures,
For example: if i had a car, i would give him money (if I had a car, I'll give him the money)
8. Formulas Conditional Sentence Type 3: if + past perfect, future perfect past,
For example: if i had had money, I would have bought a house (if I had the money, I would buy a house)

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014


Abstrak, pasti pernah mendengar istilah itu, namun abstrak bukan hanya memiliki arti sebagai sebuah bentuk yang tidak jelas maupun jenis seni abstrak, namun abstrak yang akan dibahas di sini adalah abstrak yang berada di dalam penulisan ilmiah. Abstrak yang mempunyai makna adalah sebuah paragraph yang mencakup atau ringkasan awal dari sebuah laporan atau tulisan ilmiah. Berikut akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut tentang definisi Abstrak, jenis-jenis abstrak, dan bagaimana abstrak seharusnya ditulis.
Abstrak, menurut American National Standards Institute (1979), definisi abstrak adalah representasi dari isi dokumen yang singkat dan tepat. Sedangkan menurut definisi umum, abstrak merupakan bentuk ringkas dari isi suatu dokumen yang terdiri atas bagian-bagian penting dari suatu tulisan, dan mendeskripsikan isi dan cakupan dari tulisan.

Abstrak berfungsi untuk menjelaskan secara singkat kepada pembaca tentang apa yang terdapat dalam suatu tulisan. Pada umumnya abstrak diletakkan pada bagian awal sebelum bab-bab penguraian.
Dua konsep utama dalam membuat abstrak:
Fungsi / Tujuan abstrak:
Current awareness: memudahkan para pembaca untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru tentang suatu bidang yang diminati, tanpa harus membaca seluruh isi dokumen
Menghemat waktu pembaca
Melanjutkan membaca atau tidak ?
Menghindari terjadi duplikasi tulisan
Keyword : memudahkan dalam penyimpanan secara elektronis
Dalam menyusun atau menulis sebuah abstrak, perlu diperhatikan hal-hal berikut ini :
Tujuan (Purpose)

Jenis-jenis Abstrak
Abstrak diklasifikasikan dalam dua jenis berikut ini.
  1. Abstrak indikatif adalah abstrak yang menyajikan uraian secara singkat mengenaimasalah yang terkandung dalam laporan atau karya ilmiah lengkapnya. Abstrak indikatif bertujuan agar pembaca mengetahui isi informasi tanpa memadatkan isi informasi aslinya dan hanya memberikan indikasi sasaran cakupan tulisan. Maka, pembaca dapat mempertimbangkan apakan tulisan asli perlu dibaca atau tidak.
  1. Abstrak informatif adalah miniatur laporan atau karya ilmiah asli dengan menyajikan data dan informasi secara lengkap sehingga pembaca tidak perlu lagi membaca tulisan aslinya, kecuali untuk mendalaminya. Dalam abstrak informatif, disajikan keseluruhan tulisan asli dalam bentuk mini. Seperti, judul, penulis, institusi, tujuan, metode dan analisis laporan, hasil penelitian, dan simpulan


Asokawati, Reny. 1998. Bahasa Indonesia dan Kultur Budaya. Malang : PT. Inti Megah Jaya
Bachtiar, Ahmad. 1999. Terampil Menulis Cepat. Jakarta : PT. info Saranamedia
Badriansyah, Fahmi. 1999. Bahasaku Bukan Bahasamu. Medan : CV. AuliaNusa Media
Departemen Pendidikan & Kebudayaan. 1999. Paket Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka
Damara, Doni. 1998. Inilah Indonesia dan Bahasa Indonesia. Surabaya : CV. Megah Buana Citra
Deviany, Sinta. 1999. Menulis Bukan Kerikil Tajam. Palembang : PT. Sriwijaya Media Tbk
Deborah, Fany.2000. Materi Bahasa Indonesia Jilid I. Semarang : PT. Gramedia Indonesia
Depdiknas. 2000. Konsep Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka
Febiola, Maharani. 2000. Intisari bahasa Indonesia Kurikulum I. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka
Feriansyah, Derry. 2000. Bahasa Indonesia Menurut Kacamata Dunia. Jakarta : Prisma Intimedia Pustaka


Kutipan adalah pinjaman pendapat dari seseorang, baik berupa tulisan dalam buku, majalah, surat kabar, atau bentuk tulisan lainnya, maupun dalam bentuk lisan. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh bentuk kutipan.
1. Kutipan langsung
“Pustaka Java berisi ribuan (lebih dari 5000) kelas beraneka ragam keampuhan. Kekayaan ini merupakan kandungan tersembunyi bahwa penggunaannya dapat menghemat ratusan jam kerja. Keampuhan ini hanya dapat dimanfaatkan bila kita rajin mencoba. Sebelum membuat solusi sendiri, coba eksplorasi pustaka bahasa, mungkin telah diselesaikan” (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 37-38)
“Java memisahkan komponen untuk menampilkan keluaran dengan komponen untuk melakukan format keluaran. Keuntungan pemisahan antara lain format keluaran benar-benar sangat kaya melebihi yang dapat diperoleh di C++” (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 78)
2. Kutipan tak langsung
Penulisan dengan identasi merupakan konvensi penulisan yang bagus untuk diikuti. Identasi berarti memberi iden setiap menemui blok baru pada blok-blok yang berbeda. Identasi adalah gaya penulisan program bukan bagian bahasa secara teknis, sehingga digunakan untuk memperjelas pembacaan program oleh pemrogram, bukan oleh kompilator. Kompilator menghasilkan keluaran yang sama meski tanpa identasi. (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 174)
Polymorphism, yang berarti mempunyai banyak bentuk, merupakan konsep pokok di dalam perancangan berorientasi objek. Dua objek atau lebih dikatakan polymorphicjika mempunyai antarmuka-antarmuka yang identik namun mempunyai perilaku-perilaku berbeda. (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 357)
3. Kutipan dalam kutipan
‘Bahasa Java tidak lagi hanya untuk pemanis di web sebagai applet yang membikin Duke berdansa. Java adalah kakas, tetap hanya perangkat, bagaimanapun tetap hanya orang hebat yang dapat memberi arti penting kakas seperti dikatakan James Gosling, tokoh terpenting di Java : “All along, the language was a tool, not the end”’. (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 7-8)

Rabu, 20 November 2013

Cerpen Lucu: Tukang Mie Ayam Main Facebook

Karena penasaran, diriku pun bertanya:
"Mas Jason (panggil saja demikian, karena dia sering dipanggil Son ama pelanggannya "Son..mie ayamnya siji maning sooon.."), sedang apa kok asik bener di pojokan?"

"Eh mas ganteng...( satu hal yang aku suka dari Jason adalah : Orangnya suka
bicara Jujur!), ini mas, lagi update status!!..." jawab Mas Jason.


"Weehhh... njenengan fesbukan juga to??" tanyaku heran.

"Ya iyalah mas... hareee geneee ga fesbukan?! Lagian kan lumayan juga buat menjaring pelanggan lewat fesbuk, kata pak Hermawan Kertajaya kan dalam berdagang kita harus selalu melakukan diferensiasi termasuk dalam hal pemasaran mass." jawabnya lagi dengan penuh keyakinan.

Gw yang sering naik Kereta ke Jawa aja gak tau kalo ada yg namanya Hermawan Kereta Jaya

"Emang mas statusnya apa?" tanyaku penasaran.

"Nih mas aku bacain:
Promo Mie Ayam, beli dua gratis satu mangkok, beli tiga gratis nambah kuah, beli empat gratis timbang badan...takutnya anda obesitas...segera saya tunggu di gang Jengkol, depan tengkulak Beras Mpok Hepi. Mie Ayam Jason: Melayani dengan Hati... ampela, usus dan jeroan ayam lainnya." sambil menunjukan handphone-nya.

Dua kosong untuk mas jason. Gw yg uda lama fesbukan aja ga bisa bikin status se--atraktif dia.

Tapi ada yg aneh pas kulirik ke handphone  yang dia pake. Aku kira handphone-nya blackberry atau minimal nokia seri baru yang uda bisa pake internetan. Selidik punya selidik, ternyata...handphone-nya lawas bin jadul. HP yang masih monokrom, suara belum poliponik, dan masih pake antena luar kayak radio AM.

"Mas, tapi kok bisa update fesbuk pake henpon sederhana gitu? (bahasa halusnya henpon lawas). Gimana caranya?? tanyaku bingung.

"Owwh.. gampang mas, saya tinggal nulis statusnya lewat SMS lalu kirim ke Tri.” jawab dia datar.

"Ohh.. mas nya pake Kartu Three ya? Yang gratis internetan itu?" tanyaku lagi.

"Bukaaaan mas, Tri itu lengkapnya Tri Ambarwati. Dia itu pacar saya, sama-sama dari Tegal, yang kerjaannya jagain Warnet 24 Jam! Jadi kalo butuh update, tinggal sms dia aja nanti dia yang gantiin status saya. Lha wong dia tiap hari di depan komputer jagain warnet. Paling sebagai balesannya saya gratisin mie ayam seminggu sekali...murah to??" jawabnya sambil cengengesan.

Mendadak kepalaku pusing, bagaikan menderita dehidrasi akut sekaligus hipotermia tingkat tiga. Aku limbung mendengar jawaban SPEKTAKULER dari Mas Jason...BRUK!!